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Models attach to an agent to specify the specific model and provider the agent will be using. Models are also used in Datasources to embed data, to learn more about embedding visit the Datasources page.

In short, embedding is the process of turning data of any type into data that agents can process and understand. There are models specific for embedding and these should not be used for agents.

When you first register for the cloud platform you will be prompted to configure a simple OpenAI GPT model, if you’ve already done this then there is no need to configure more unless you intend to use multiple agents.

Model Components

Models don’t require much to set up, all that’s required is a valid api key for the selected model to allow the platform to access the selected LLM. The model you choose depends on a variety of factors including token budget, datasource size (for embedding), task complexity and more. maybe more info on model selection?


Select your vendor, we support a range of model vendors, select one and configure it accordingly. Different vendors require different configuration for their models. Below is our current list of supported vendors: