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Agents are like your own personal GPTs except so much more capable. They’re able to gather data from given datasources, use that data to pass onto each other and can either chat with a user regarding them or process the data automatically. But agents are best used together, they can be used together inside an app to achieve an overall larger goal. Think of an agent as a member of a team, which specific skills and a particular job to do.

Agent Components

Agents are compomised of a few components which will be briefly touched on here but more can be found on their respective pages.

1. System Message

The system message is the prompt used to initialise the agent. It tells the agent their role, what their skills are and what their goal is.

The better these prompts are, the better the output of the agent will be, if there are problems with your app such as unexpected outputs the first place to take a look is generally here.

2. Tools

Tools are a set of capabilities or functions that the agent can use to perform tasks. They can range from web searching and data analysis to collaboration and delegation of tasks among agents. Agent Cloud comes with a range of built in tools, here are a few:

This tool takes a string query as input and fetches relevant pages from Wikipedia.

See more on the Tools page.

3. Datasources

Datasources are the heart of an Agent Cloud app, it’s what sets our agents apart from your generic models. Agents can gather data from datasources to produce a specific output. For example, you can export all of your product data (SKU, product number, description, etc…) into Agent Cloud. Agents can then be used to not only reccomend generic products to the user (“Use an exfoliating hand cream”), but they can reccomend specific products that are stocked by you (“Use an exfoliating hand cream, xyz brand is great and we have it in stock!”). This is where the real power of Agent Cloud can be found.
See the Datasources page for information on how to set up Datasources.

4. Model

Simply put, the model is the model the agent uses as it’s LLM, this may be OpenAi’s GPT, or Meta’s Llama. Our platform supports many LLMs from multiple vendors.
See more on the Models page

Advanced Features

The following are optional features that aren’t neccessary to create an agent or app but they can help with debugging agents or enhancing their capability.

1. Funciton Calling Model


2. Verbose