Task object to be added with at minimum all required fields, _id must be ommited, this will be generated by the api and returned upon successful completion.
The type of datasource being pulled from, the full list of supported sources and their corresponding in JSON format can be found at: 'https://connectors.airbyte.com/files/generated_reports/connector_registry_report.json'. One of these connectors must be selected as the type of datasource to pull from. Insert the Id of the connector in this field
Description for the datasource, this is used when fetching the datasources on 'datasourcesJson' to briefly describe what each datasource is from/contains.
Arbitary name for the datasource, this doesn't need to follow any specific convention, can simply be any name to identify it.
sourceConfig is defined by Airbyte to determine the config required to set up the datasource with Airbyte. See the docs at: 'https://reference.airbyte.com/reference/createsource' for more information. See the 'configuration' body params and find the source that you are using.
Used to indicate howoften the datasource is synced, this syncing is to ensure the data within Agent Cloud is synchronised with the data within the datasource. This is the period between each synchronisation. The specific number of each period is set later in the addition process (i.e. when using addDatasourceApi).
, hour
, day
, week
, month