Session object used when a chat app is running
Date object of when the session was last updated.
The name of the session
The id of the organisation that the session belongs to (usually the teamId of the corresponding app object).
While the permissions object is intended to hold permissions presence in the permissions object as a key implies view/read access for now until we implement checks and update middleware chains for more complex permissions. Keys are intended to be user, team, or org IDs with a mapping to permissions.
Date object of when the session was started.
The cuurent state of the session
, running
, waiting
, warning
, error
, terminated
The id object of the team the session belongs to (usually the teamId of the corresponding app object the session stems from).
The number of AI tokens used in this session.
Mongodb Object id, unique identifier, length of 24 characters fitting the following regex; [a-f0-9]{24}
The appId of the app that the session is running
Label to show when previewing the session